Thank you for your support of Albuquerque-based Pluma Construction Systems. As you know, we provide a full suite of commercial construction services and residential remodeling. Built on a quality foundation of unwavering ethics and quality workmanship we created the Pluma Leadership Minute (heard on 770 KKOB-AM) as a way to share insights with influential people, like you!
Over the last 12 weeks we have reviewed leader characteristics such as Trust, Integrity, Persistence, Patience, Courage, Personal Responsibility, Wisdom, leading by example, Initiative, Attitude, Resilience and Vision. Today we focus on Communication.

Throughout history, the greatest leaders have also been motivators, able to encourage others to work toward a common goal. This ability to motivate has ultimately been a result of strong communication skills. Abraham Lincoln and Winston Churchill, two of the most effective leaders in history, approached challenges in different ways, but both excelled at communication.

Effective communication from leadership needs to be is clear and simple.
Clearly communicate the goal of the task, how long you expect it to take and any relevant information that might help streamline the process. You lose productivity when staff have to circle back around to you for clarification on important information.

Strong leaders are transparent in their communications. They want their team to trust not only what they say, but what they mean. There should not be any hidden agendas or reading between the lines. When leaders cannot share certain information, they need to come right out and say it, because half-truth answers breed distrust and anxiety.
Communication is a two-way street. Taking a moment to listen takes less time in the long run.

Listening to reply is the standard way that most people communicate. What that means is that instead of really paying attention to what the other person is saying, you are already thinking about what you want to say in response.
Of course, it’s great to have a well-thought-out reply, but if you’re thinking about what you want to say instead of hearing what the other person is saying, you aren’t really listening and communicating well. You may be getting your point across — or not, if the other person listens the same way you do.

Powerful leaders know when to talk and when to listen. They are effective communicators and are able to clearly and succinctly explain to their employees everything from organizational goals to specific tasks. If people don’t understand or aren’t aware of your expectations, they will fall short, so the more specific you can be, the better.